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In order to make a positive difference and in keeping with the spirit of the book, Lisa Sarzin and Lauren Briggs will be donating their royalties to the GO Foundation to help support Indigenous education.

Adam Goodes and Michael O'Loughlin

Adam Goodes and Michael O'Loughlin

Stories for Simon supports the #GOFurther campaign and the message that ‘education gives you freedom, culture gives you strength

Follow the stories of Lua and Yarran and learn why culture and education give them freedom.

A message from Adam Goodes and Michael O'Loughlin

The Goodes O’Loughlin Foundation (known as the GO Foundation) is a not for profit organisation that we formed in 2009, with the aim of creating a brighter future for young Indigenous Australians.  At the heart of our mission is education as we believe that this is the way that lasting and positive results can be achieved.  To this end, all the money that we raise is used to fund scholarships for Indigenous children to attend quality schools.

Because of our passion to make a positive difference, we were immediately interested in Stories for Simon, the book that Lisa and Lauren have written and illustrated.  This is a unique book in terms of the subject matter that it deals with and also the way the illustrations are presented.  The story resonates with us as we strongly support its message - one of understanding and remembering the past in order to create a brighter future for all Australians.  In this way, the GO Foundation and the message of the book are very much aligned.

We have gained a good understanding of Lisa and Lauren's vision for the book, including their aim of getting Stories for Simon into every school in Australia.  We are extremely supportive of this goal and would love to see the book in very classroom.